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Individuelle Segelreisen &

Important tips to your Segeltörn
With the Segeltörns offered by us it concerns active sports travelling which require a higher measure in own responsibility and physical suitability and fitness than a customary package tour. With these important tips to your sail trip we inform you about the special character of the Segeltörns as a sporty special trip and the special demands linked with it for you as a travel participant.
Please, peruse these tips – whose knowledge you confirm with reservation – hence, carefully:
1. The Segeltörn as a sports event
The Segeltörn participant is not only one passenger, but part of the sailing crew and takes part in a common sailing event. A Segeltörn is no tour with firmly booked daily objectives agreed to begin with. Merely the written out sail district in which the sail yacht should stay is decisive. Hence, the routes described in the catalogue have only exemplary character. The route specifically to be sailed is fixed in detail by the crew together.
2. Sporty demands for you as a participant
With a Segeltörn the lodging achievement and the sports achievement, i.e. the bunk are connected aboard and the yacht sport, inseparably. With the participation in the sail trip the active participation of the traveller in the sailing is expected at the same time. The coyachtsman is from the first entrance of the yacht up to the last abandonment of the yacht a part of the whole crew - Skipper and all coyachtsmen belong to it. The sailing crew bears together the responsibility for the expiry of the Törns. At the risk of his physical abilities and with his readiness to belong to the crew and to support this he contributes to the success of the Törns. Everybody helps aboard in putting in and putting away, sails place etc. on the personal typical sports risks of the sailing the participants are expressly pointed out.
3. Their behaviour within the crew
It is necessary that all participants help with all sporty demands aboard actively and friendly. Community spirit, auxiliary readiness, flexibility, compromise readiness, patience as well as thoughtfulness within the crew are assumed.
With Törnbeginn is the end of a crew arrangement on site which regulates the rights and responsibilites of the participants together commonly.
4. Demands for your physical constitution
To us it is important that you come back healthy and safely from the trip and you no damage originates. Therefore, we assume good swimming ability and fitness in all water sport events. A Segeltörn can be gruelling as a sporty event also by the external conditions now and again. Hence, they are asked to make sure that you have grown to the health demands of such a tour. Check, hence, your physical constitution yourselves. Ask if necessary your doctor whether you have grown to the special travel requirements aboard a sail yacht with the cosailings and your individual physical constitution admits the participation in all intended sportive activities. On the trip there is no immediate medical care (prescribed first help set available).
5. Contact with personal objects of value
It is not to be excluded with the sailing completely that Kleidung/Leib/Gegenstände become now and then humid. Hence, we advise to pack objects of value accordingly waterproof and to keep certainly thus during the trip. For this the participant himself has to take care. Also the joints of the teak deck of some sail yachts can lose colour in summer now and then, why insensible clothes should be carried.
6. Überliegezeiten; spare yacht, additional achievement changes
Überliegezeiten are down-times of the sail yacht at the beginning or during the Törns on the basis of unforeseen servicing or repair requirements or security-conditioned delays of the precrew. Before the first entrance of the yacht and during the Törns such Überliegezeiten from up to one day per 7-day travel duration are to be accepted if they remain reasonable for the traveller in the extent of the figure 4 our general travel terms (ARB) and are not considerable (after figure 4 of the ARB are after contract end inevitably growing changes of essential achievements which are not caused against Faithfully and faith, allowed if they are not considerable and do not affect the whole cutting of your trip). Also we reserve ourselves in this reasonable and normal frame of the figure 4 of the ARB the short-term exchange of a written out yacht with similar standard, i.e. to the relation of bunks / participant. This can be the case if the planned yacht is not operational. Same is valid if instead of a catamaran only one Einrumpfyacht is available. As far as the achievement on a catamaran has a higher price than on an Einrumpfboot, occurred of course a suitable financial balance to the customer.
7. Security and necessary co-operation
At all sports activities the prescribed safety measures are to be kept. The sports participants who do not keep to the sports rules and security rules and endanger themselves or other in spite of a suitable caution by the sports responsible person or us excessively and which disturb trip are excluded from the sports event without notice. This co-operation duty is in particular also valid for sports activities which depend on the co-operation of singles in the group or in partnership. If a sports participant is excluded so from the sports event, the organizer of the sports achievement keeps the claim to the remuneration, nevertheless, must add to the account the value of the saved expenditures and if necessary allowances or similar advantages. The impossible participant himself carries possible add-on costs for the back transportation.
8. Assurances
The yachts are comprehensive insurance-insured and liability-insured, linked with a selfkeeping. By height of the Selbstbehaltes a security which is satisfied as a rule, instead, by a security assurance is to be provided by the crew together on site.
We recommend to the participants to conclude the private liability insurances suitable for the sports activities and/or accident insurances also personally for themselves, also the end of a travel resignation costs assurance and an assurance for the cover of the return costs in accident or illness as well as an also abroad valid health insurance.
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